Passing your NJRE License Exam like a Pro!

Congratulations on taking the first steps towards becoming a real estate agent in New Jersey!
I took the exam twice before I passed it. It took strategy, dedication, long nights, and TONS of sticky notes and highlighters…

I’m a visual learner but I HAVE to write things down and highlight text in order to properly retain information so in class I made sure to print out physical copies of the book that were emailed to us. This probably isn’t the best cost effective method (I printed about 300+ pages or more and spent $50 on new ink and paper 🫣🤫) but it’s what helped.

I also have the pettiest printer (EPSON XP-4100 SERIES 2) that will not print anything even in black ink unless it also has YELLOW ink and the rest of its colors (yellow is priority though). 10/10 would not recommend; however, it is a great scanner and wireless printer so hit or miss tbh. I did what I could, I suggest you do what you can.

Anyway, I printed out the book basically and when we reached the page of review questions I would write down my answers on a sticky note. This allowed me to be able to go back and review it without ruining the page with answers already written down. I also stacked stickies when retesting myself and then put them side by side to see exactly where I went wrong the second, third, or fourth time around.

I also watched Kyle Kovats on Youtube this video specifically. I avoided it back in 2021 when I gave up on pursuing Real Estate but then I tried again and that video was top tier!

Everyone recommended CompuCram and I bought it for $50 at the time and was unable to see the hype. It just didn’t help the way I needed it to and it definitely did not explain math problems how I needed. I’ll be coming out with a detailed e-book on how to pass the exam because there was soooo much that I learned, took notes on, and understood in different ways. One example was the math, I’ll have certain explanations worked out because the IRV and PRB circles confused me. I used math strategies that weren’t discussed.

Here are some quick tips to help you pass the pre-licensing exam:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the exam outline and format. Knowing the basics of the exam will help you identify areas you need to focus on studying.
  2. Take a practice test. Taking a practice test can help you identify areas of strength and weakness, so you know where to focus your studying.
  3. Utilize study materials. There are many study materials available online, such as practice questions and study guides. Make sure to use reputable sources when studying. I used this book. It has 9 tests – broker/appraiser prep too and it recommends what to skip and what to work on.
  4. Take breaks. Set aside designated study times and take breaks throughout the day. This can help you stay focused and retain information better.
  5. Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you don’t understand something.

Good luck on the exam!

Are you now a Real Estate Agent? YOU NEED THIS to keep your life organized ✨


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